Still Water

On the surface, we’re just doing yoga, or meditating, or practicing Reiki together, but on a deeper level we’re creating an opportunity for you to acknowledge the complex and unique person that you are.  

My hope for you each time we gather is that you’ll be able to set aside the everyday stressors that make up most of our lives and breathe deeply into the limitless compassionate self that lives within.  

I want you to be able to connect with the part of yourself that is never-changing and always present, observing each thought and breath and moment.  

It is my belief that the more you are able to plug in and connect with this intrinsic part of yourself, the more patience and compassion you will have with yourself and others.

And patience and compassion, my friend, are what the world needs right now.  Spreading more of that will help prevent senseless tragedies like the ones we saw this weekend. 

When each of us learns to step beyond the patina of our everyday, we receive the tools we need to process and release feelings of anger, frustration, and helplessness.  As we dig in and connect more deeply to our own selves, we also connect more deeply with the human Spirit that unites us all.  

That is my wish for you, that you can spread the compassion and peace that you cultivate in your practice to the other people in your life, and through that, the world will become a kinder and safer space.

May you be filled with loving kindness, May you be well
May you be peaceful and at ease, May you be happy.