Creating Tools for Success

I had a conversation recently about how to step out of the cycle of karma, and it reminded me of the idea of RIGHT ACTION.

Yoga Philosophy encourages us to take our practice off the mat, and one way to do that is to observe how our minds react in uncomfortable poses ON the mat.  

When you’re in a class in a “least favorite” yoga pose, do you want to immediately come out of the pose?  When you’re holding this uncomfortable shape in your body, are you also holding our breath?  

Very often, the way we respond mentally and physiologically to discomfort ON the mat mirrors they way we respond to uncomfortable situations OFF the mat.

This is helpful to know because it gives us a way to work more deeply with our yoga practice.

It means that as you control and refine your response in your yoga class, you are creating a toolbox on which to draw during stressful situations in your life.

Yoga is one powerful tool to step out of the cycle of Karma by practicing being present in the moment.

Reiki is another tool that can help you stay present by helping your body fully relax.  This Friday is the day of our monthly Reiki Circle, held at 6:30 pm at Jai Dee Massage & Yoga.  This is a donation-based event, and I encourage everyone who is interested in releasing old patterns and old karma to join us.  

Whether you make it out to your mat or to your meditation cushion this week, I know that your practice is making a difference!

Celebrating Your Freedom

The ultimate goal of Yoga, Reiki, and Meditation is Freedom.  Freedom from limiting beliefs and ideas that keep us feeling small, liberation from patterns of self-sabotaging behavior, and the freedom to shine our true, authentic, sacred selves.

I know what it is to play small.  Moving through life from a state of limited beliefs mean that you stay in unfulfilling work or relationships because you feel like you don’t have other options available to you.

It means you bite your tongue instead of expressing your truth because you worry that other people might take it the wrong way, or not understand where you are coming from.

Yoga tells us that without Moksha, or Freedom, we fall victim to the inertia of doing things the way we always have

Yogis call this rut of action our SasmkaraWhen we don’t take the time to shine light on why we think and act the way we do, we find ourselves moving with unconscious intention and manifesting things that no longer serve us.  

These things can look like addiction, or anger, or fear.  They keep us trapped in limiting circumstances and lull us into forgetting the limitless power we have to shape our own reality.  

I have found that the simple action of committing to a practice provides the higher vision necessary to see the forest for the trees.  By simply coming again and again to your mat to practice yoga, meditation, or Reiki, you begin to cultivate a higher consciousness.  You start to see the patterns of your life, and how easy it really is to make big changes with small shifts.  

To support you in those shifts, I have developed a FREE 7 Day Reiki Cleanse with my friend and collaborator, Paty Mariposa.   This online action is designed for those who have been attuned to any level of Reiki.  

By working your way through the 7 Day Cleanse, which begins July 22nd, you will release those energetic blocks that manifest as limiting thoughts and beliefs, and be able to more fully embrace who you are meant to be.  I hope you’ll be able to join us! Please click here to sign up.

Take the time to celebrate your freedom and joy this Fourth of July weekend!