Surviving a Hot Pitta Summer

I have a tendency to seek out hot and humid places to call home, so for me, it’s summer all year long.  However, the months of June, July and August are hotter than most – for me and most other people in the Northern Hemisphere.

Ayurvedically speaking, summer is Pitta season.

That means the potential is there for frustration, overheating, anxiety, and fights over nothing.

Living in sync with the seasons means taking care of yourself when your environment changes.  Today, we’ll look at some self-care techniques you can put in place as the temperatures rise.

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A Moment of Gratitude

I have a confession to make, yogis and yoginis!  I am a bookworm, and I usually have at least one fiction or historical fiction book that I’m working through.  In that vein, I’ve spent the last few weeks steeped in the past – whether that be Russia’s Imperial Age as written in Anna Karenina or the times of slavery described by Octavia Butler in Kindred or Jewel Parker Rhodes in Voodoo Dreams: A Novel of Marie Laveau or stories of true history as shared by the Stuff You Missed in History Class podcast.

Add my studies of various translations of the Yoga Sutras and and the Hatha Yoga Pradipika (expect some posts exploring these soon), and you have an idea of where my mind has been lately!

Along with all the valuable lessons I am reaping from my recreation and study, I am left with a sense of appreciation and awe for this time and place we are all lucky enough to occupy.

I know – there’s plenty of crazy to point to that’s happening in our current time – strange fads, worrisome country leaders, and tragic events, but there’s also just so much magnificence, right? Continue reading “A Moment of Gratitude”

Grief and Loss

It certainly wasn’t my intention to write two posts about Grief back to back, but I am left reeling after hearing about the sudden death of a young girl in my church community.This news has me reflecting on the times I’ve been faced with the death of a friend or loved one, and it’s a hard truth.

We know that not one of us will get out of life alive, but we always assume we have more time with the people we love.

Continue reading “Grief and Loss”


Please accept this as the first of several posts designed to illustrate seasons of life where your yoga and meditation practice will be helpful.

Raise your hand if you’ve ever had your heart broken….

Crickets?  Probably not.  Unfortunately, this is one big, painful part of the human experience that we all must traverse.

What is even more heartbreaking than heartbreak is giving up on love


Here are some ways Yoga and Reiki can help you find your way through the wilderness a broken heart and back to living and loving from your fullest

Continue reading “Heartbreak”