Ganesh – Bringer and Remover of Obstacles

♪ ♫  “I trust in my struggle, each and every day.

Music is my mediation, it’s the way I pray.”  ♫  ♪

~Frente Cumbiero

The Hindu God of Ganesh is the archetype we call upon when starting a new journey or beginning a new project.  We look to Ganesh to offer auspicious blessings.  Ganesh is the god with an elephant head, son of Parvati and Shiva.  He represents the union of shakti and shiva, masculine and feminine, raw, unfettered potential and focused, kinetic kundalini energy.

We look to Ganesh to remove obstacles set before us.  Ganesh is also known, in his mischievous way, of placing obstacles in our path.   Continue reading “Ganesh – Bringer and Remover of Obstacles”

Raga – The Klesha of Pleasure

Raga is the klesha of pleasure and the attachments that creates.  While pleasure itself certainly is not one of life’s poisons, the chasing of pleasure is, and it is an all too common klesha that is woven into Western culture.

Megha Malhar Raga painting

Megha Malhar Raga paintingThis klesha views the small pleasures of life as hooks, digging into us and creating attachments to the past.  Because whether you’re looking for the next pleasure to come or seeking to recreate a pleasurable experience you’ve had, both aspects of this klesha will keep you from being fully present in this moment.

Continue reading “Raga – The Klesha of Pleasure”

Pura Vida en la Pacifica

Life on the southern Pacific coast of Costa Rica is tranquilla indeed.  Surfers pepper the breaks at high tide as a slight mist enshrouds the rocky coast.  The jungle creeps close to the ocean and rivers meet the beach on either end, infusing el mar with cool water and the threat of crocodillos.  At low tide, the ocean bows backward revealing a smooth sandy area comfortable for walking barefoot.  A surfer’s paradise, indeed.

Playa Dominical 001

Life is quiet here at the moment, smack dab in the middle of el temporada baja, or the slow season.  Continue reading “Pura Vida en la Pacifica”

Asmitā, the Klesha of Ego

Asmitā is an erroneous identification of the Self with the intellect.  This klesha can arrive when the third chakra is out of balance, something our over-worked culture encourages.

Art from Chakra Reading, Third Chakra
Art from Chakra Reading, Third Chakra

An overly energized third chakra

“may appear as an abundance of power and energy.  Continue reading “Asmitā, the Klesha of Ego”


I’ve covered many miles since my last post.  I’m feeling gratitude for the big, comfortable buses of Costa Rica and the stalwarts who drive them, allowing me many safe landings.  I also hold gratitude for the many kind strangers who gave me lifts.  Hitchhiking doesn’t have the same taboo of danger that it does in North America.  Here, it’s a normal and oft-used way to travel.  I’ve been blessed to have had three amazing rides over this time, each with their own pearl of wisdom to share.

And oh the wisdom!   Continue reading “Travels”