Kriya to Balance the 10 Bodies

It’s been really sweet to see my Kundalini classes grow.  Kundalini Yoga is different than Hatha Yoga in that it is a class that relies a lot more on the use of mantra, or chanting, and incorporates lots more meditation.  I  think of it as the “weird yoga”.  You’re much more likely to find use of Mudra, or yoga positions for your hands, and different breathing techniques in a Kundalini yoga class.

I began offering Kundalini yoga classes for donation at the beginning of January because I so missed my Kundalini practice from Austin.  While living in Austin, Kundalini was not the yoga that I practiced every day, but I did enjoy dropping in on a class once or twice a week.  Once I began incorporating more Kundalini and Meditation into my daily practice here in Granada, I began to miss the experience that comes from gathering in a group to practice. Continue reading “Kriya to Balance the 10 Bodies”


Surrendering to Grace is a advice we find on many different paths.  Catholicas, 12-Steppers and Anusara Yoga, to name a few, all speak of the healing power of grace.

But – what is grace, anyway? To be graceful is to act with courtesy or to move lithely.  Continue reading “Grace”

Enter the Elephant

I am really pleased to note that my post on Santosha has been re-published on elephant journal.  Go check it out, and then read some of the other fabulous writing available there.

Kali, Tearing Down Time


This is the pretty roof of the room I call home these days.  On Sunday, said room began to smell a little mousey.  I cleared out all my things, shook out and then refolded each item of clothing and each bag and suitcase, yet did not find a mouse.   My friend correctly guessed that some small animal must have crawled between the tiles on the roof and the bamboo on the ceiling before Spirit left the body behind.  Unfortunately, there was nobody who could tear the roof apart for a day and a half, so the smell permeated the space I sleep and practice.

I can’t help but bring Kali to mind.  Kali, the  Hindu goddess of destruction and time whose devotees dance in graveyards and spread themselves with the ashes of funeral pyres.  Continue reading “Kali, Tearing Down Time”


Since I last wrote, I’ve been gifted with two amazing body work sessions.  One, a reiki session with the most powerful energy worker I’ve ever met.  Another, reflexology with a fabulous blind masseuse at the Hotel.  I strongly believe that regular bodywork is a vital part of any wellness routine.  It compliments a good yoga practice, and helps us release emotions that are seeking to store deep within our bodies in the form of energy blocks, tight muscles, and even illness.  It’s especially important during times of transition.

Continue reading “Bodywork”

Sacred in the Mundane


Counting cordobas is a practice in staying present.  A practice I sometimes find more difficult than my meditation practice some days.  The thing about cordobas is they value 24 to the dollar, so you very quickly reach large amounts of money that you are regularly counting.

I can’t count quickly and accurately in Spanish, at least not up to high numbers.  Perhaps someday.   Let’s be real, I often don’t count quickly or accurately in English, either.  I get distracted so easily during this task!  Thoughts will intrude mid-count, or my ears will latch onto snatches of conversation occurring around me.  Conversations in Spanish become harder to ignore the higher my comprehension level rises.

So I count and I practice.  Each day at the start and end of my shift, I count and recount the cordobas.  I train my mind to stay present on the number – in English, in Spanish, in the moment.

–Dog Walking— Continue reading “Sacred in the Mundane”

Folding In

Taoism states that we can only know a thing by knowing and understanding its opposite.  For example, how can we know light if we’ve never been engulfed in darkness?  How can we know happiness if we’ve never plumbed the depths of sadness?  Each is just one side of a coin, with oneness being the reality and dualism the illusion.

Another way we can know a thing is by its absence.  As Nataraja dances the world into existence, feet rise and fall, hips undulate, and we come in and out of being as we watch.   Each time a toe rises, happiness is there or it isn’t.  A hand waves down dancing to the universal rhythm, and a wish is granted.

Continue reading “Folding In”

Health and Wealth in the New Year

Feliz Ano Nuevo!  The bombas exploded at midnight, lighting the night sky and filling the barrios with even more explosions than have been heard during the whole month of December.  Nicaraguense set afire both fireworks that exploded individually and effigies of the old year — scarecrow men stuffed with firecrackers, newspapers, and messages of a happy new year.  When the explosions quieted, the visiting began – house to house as neighbors visited neighbors and friends and families mingled.  After 1 am, the crowds dispersed – either early to bed or out for late night fiestas celebrating until dawn broke the sky.  Don’t ever let anyone tell you the Nicas don’t know how to party.

My 2013 in Nicaragua finds me working in a hotel mornings and teaching yoga afternoons and evenings. Continue reading “Health and Wealth in the New Year”