Abhinivesha Klesha: Clinging to Life

Our exploration of the Klesha has given us an opportunity to explore the different games our minds play with us to keep us from the true and ultimate reality.  These games fuse together into the great dance of life, dropping one foot and then another into the earthly world, the world of duality, where we live and love and learn the deep lessons that our souls are craving.

In this way, each klesha is a blessing for the gifts we learn from living wrapped in the illusion, then from awakening to observe the illusion, and finally in its unveiling.

The final klesha is Abhinivesha, the klesha of clinging to life.  In this gripping to a particular version of reality, we are unable to turn our gaze and twist deeply, looking over our opposite shoulder to the beauty of the non-dual world of which we’ve always been a part.

Marichyasana Three - Yogic Twist
Marichyasana Three – Yogic Twist

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Raga – The Klesha of Pleasure

Raga is the klesha of pleasure and the attachments that creates.  While pleasure itself certainly is not one of life’s poisons, the chasing of pleasure is, and it is an all too common klesha that is woven into Western culture.

Megha Malhar Raga painting

Megha Malhar Raga paintingThis klesha views the small pleasures of life as hooks, digging into us and creating attachments to the past.  Because whether you’re looking for the next pleasure to come or seeking to recreate a pleasurable experience you’ve had, both aspects of this klesha will keep you from being fully present in this moment.

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Asmitā, the Klesha of Ego

Asmitā is an erroneous identification of the Self with the intellect.  This klesha can arrive when the third chakra is out of balance, something our over-worked culture encourages.

Art from http://www.ishalerner.com Chakra Reading, Third Chakra
Art from http://www.ishalerner.com Chakra Reading, Third Chakra

An overly energized third chakra

“may appear as an abundance of power and energy.  Continue reading “Asmitā, the Klesha of Ego”

Kleshas – Avidya Dances with Maya

Yoga Philosophy talks much about Kleshas, or things on the yogic path that can lead us astray.  Like all moments presented to us in life, the kleshas can also help point the way back home to our divine self.

The Kleshas are described by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras as afflictions on the path to enlightenment.  As we are able to identify these afflictions, or games our minds play, we are able to overcome them and move forward freer, lighter, and with a stronger connection to truth. Continue reading “Kleshas – Avidya Dances with Maya”