Unlocking the Power of Fearless Living

by Sach Dharam Kaur (Sophia Zayfman)

As the proverb states, there are many paths leading to the top of the mountain. Similarly, there are numerous ways to learn to live fearlessly. My intention here is to share my personal experiences from the past ten years as I embraced the practice of Kundalini Yoga and learned to cultivate a state of awareness that fosters fearless living.

First, let me clarify that living fearlessly does not mean a total absence of fear.

It means recognizing when I begin to feel constricted within myself and using my heightened awareness to identify subconscious thoughts and beliefs that stem from “old programming,” conditioning, and possibly early life experiences.

As a spiritual being having a human experience, I still encounter viable fears, but my response to these fears is now less intense. You might wonder, how did I get here? How does one learn to lead and live a fearless life? For me, Kundalini Yoga started me on a journey of self-discovery that continues as a path to Self-Mastery.

In ancient yogic wisdom, fear is recognized simply as energy.

Energy is neither good nor bad; it is the mind, or our psyche (Ego), that “judges” or interprets this energy.

As Yogi Bhajan taught, “Nothing is good or bad. Thinking makes it so.” This thinking process is rapid and often based on a subconscious repository of feelings, emotions, thoughts, and beliefs.

We can’t solve our subconscious mind’s problems with the mind alone; we do that through the body, and that’s where the technology of Kundalini Yoga comes in.

In Kundalini Yoga, we work on the mind through our body, as the body is the substratum of the mind.

The teachings of Kundalini Yoga provide insight into our three mental bodies: the negative (protective) mind, the positive (expansive) mind, and the neutral (meditative) mind. It also teaches us about the eight chakras (not seven as is widely accepted). Your eighth chakra is your auric body, your electromagnetic field. This is how the Law of Attraction works—you are both electric and magnetic. Your auric body is your presence.

The practice of Kundalini Yoga also involves working on 72,000 channels within the body, called nadis. Some of these channels are known as meridians, used in Eastern holistic medicine and acupuncture. When we practice Kundalini Yoga, we use prana, the life force energy, to clear these 72,000 channels. We use mantras and sound currents to clear and cut through old thought patterns, habits, behaviors, and “knee-jerk” reactions. For me, Kundalini Yoga is one of the best self-care practices, known to many around the world, and it’s gaining popularity here in the United States.

I committed to a 40-day challenge called Dharmic Warrior, a series of kriyas and meditations focused on confronting the ultimate fear: the fear of death. Yogi Bhajan taught, If a human fears death, a human fears life,” and I wanted to live my life fully.

During this practice, I became aware of some of my own fears: the fear of failure and the fear of success. It might seem paradoxical, but for me, the first was closely tied to my high expectations and constant striving for perfectionism.

In my work, I noticed a pattern where I would become trapped in a mental loop, obsessing overachieving perfection. I often had great ideas for workshops and events, but because my expectations were set so high, I would endlessly fixate on making everything perfect. This led to procrastination, as I continuously made excuses and ultimately failed to follow through with my projects or ideas. The consequences were devastating — I felt guilty and ashamed for quitting and not following through. It was a vicious cycle of mental self-abuse.

“To find courage, we go to the depth of fear; to find faith, we go to the greatest doubts; to find strength, we go to the depth of despair, but in every action and reaction, we must learn to resurrect ourselves. That’s the awareness and the wisdom.”

Through my Kundalini Yoga practice, I became aware of this pattern and set out to change it. I showed up on my yoga mat and engaged in daily practice, doing kriyas (specific sets of exercises, asanas) that opened my body’s channels and my mind to the flow of Universal Energy. This helped clear some of the subconscious clutter that had me stuck in my old ways. During my meditations, I learned a great deal about myself and gained insight into how to move beyond self-limiting beliefs.

I realized that in chasing perfection, we lose sight of purpose. I learned to give up control where there was nothing for me to control, except the way I shape my thoughts, form my beliefs, and manage my breath flow.

Through this practice, I began to feel expansive and limitless. I worked for 40 days on strengthening my aura, developing my breath (pranayama), and purifying my body and mind with the Breath of Fire. Additionally, I spent time meditating and chanting mantras, which helped uplift my spirit. In the Kundalini Yoga lineage and its vast body of teachings, you can find practices that serve as medicine to heal your body and mind and reconnect you to your divinity within.

Fearlessness is a quality of the Divine, the Infinite within us. To be fearless is to lean on the Source Energy—Creator, God, Universe. To be fearless means letting go of the Ego and our attachments and learning to trust. The Universe supports us always and forever. Maintain an attitude of gratitude when things are good and when they are not, to make them good again.

I invite you to use this mantra to help you release your fears:

Mantra: Chattra Chakkra Vartee

Chattra Chakkra Vartee,

Chattra Chakkra Bhugatay,

Suyambhav Subhang Sarab Daa Saraab Jugatay.

Dukaalan Pranasee,

Diaalang Saroopay,

Sadaa Ang Sangay,

Abhangang Bibhutaay


(Language: Gurmukhi -a derivative of Sanskrit)

Translation: You are pervading in all the four directions, the Enjoyer in all the four directions. You are self-illumined, profoundly beautiful, and united with all. Destroyer of the torments of birth and death, embodiment of mercy. You are ever within us. You are the everlasting giver of indestructible power.

This mantra is used to remove fear, anxiety, and phobias. It is a mantra to make one experience victory.

“Chattr Chakkr Vartee is the mantra for the heart center; it gives direct energy to it. When you are sinking, if you know this mantra and can sing it, you can totally recuperate yourself.” — Yogi Bhajan

About the author:

Sach Dharam Kaur (Sophia Zayfman) is a RYT 500 certified Kundalini Yoga instructor, and the founder and owner of FitforBliss Wellness Sanctuary. With extensive training in Kundalini Yoga and a deep passion for holistic health, Sach Dharam Kaur is committed to helping others achieve balance, wellness, and inner peace. At FitforBliss Wellness Sanctuary, she offers a range of services including personalized fitness training, private and group Kundalini yoga sessions, meditation classes, and wellness workshops on various topics. Through her teaching, Sach Dharam Kaur empowers individuals to connect with their true inner selves, cultivate fearlessness, and embrace a life of purpose and fulfillment.

To Release Your Fears and step into your Authentic Power, sign up for Kundalini Yoga near you:

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