The Many Paths of Yoga

Each person is put on this earth to fulfill a destiny.  How can you overcome distraction and be more fully present on your path?

I think the first step of this is finding an activity that pulls you out of your monkey mind and helps you become embodied.  This could be dance, walking, running, or my favorite – yoga.

I was reminded this weekend of the many paths of yoga. 

For some, yoga is an exercise regiment, helping them lose weight and tone up.  For others, yoga helps pull them out of the rut of everyday life and enter the present moment.  Others practice yoga to maintain their health, while still others seek more consciousness and awareness.  

Each of these reasons to practice are valid, and there is a practice of yoga that will meet you exactly where you are and guide you towards your own personal goal. 

For me, the magic happens when you find yourself linking breath to movement, with your thoughts centered on how your body feels in this asana, this moment, and how your breath is moving in and out, in and out.
One of the reasons I make it a priority to offer yoga in different settings is because I think it’s important to bring the practice to you exactly where you are.  

That’s the beauty of this practice, and what keeps me coming back to the mat.  There is always something to explore!

That’s also why I’m so excited to offer a Yoga Teacher Training, starting April 12, so that as you step into that magical space within, you have the tools you need to safely guide others there.

I hope you can join me in class, or at the upcoming Essential You Yoga Teacher Training in Tampa this April.