Sahasrara, the Seventh Chakra

We complete our study of the chakras with the seventh chakra, known as the Sahasrara Chakra.  Each chakra has been a progressive journey from our connection to self and the world to a union with the more subtle aspects of interconnection.  This chakra, located at the crown of the head, governs our connection with the divine.  Some say that as yogis practice consistently and awaken the kundalini energy within, this travels up the Shushmna, or central channel of energy within the body along which all seven chakras are aligned, and bursts through the crown chakra to complete the union of our earthly selves with the limitless that is the divine within and around us.

Seventh Chakra

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Vishuddi, The Throat Chakra

The fifth chakra vibrates to the color blue and governs communication.  This chakra sits over our throat and literally gives a voice to our internal inspirations and creativity.  Thus, the Vishuddi chakra is a chakra of manifestation; connecting Shiva with Shakti, limitless potential with life-giving energy and consciousness.


The throat chakra finds expression through speaking, chanting, and singing.  When one is able to clearly state one’s unique view on the world, the throat chakra is open and energy is moving freely.  Continue reading “Vishuddi, The Throat Chakra”

Svadhisthana Chakra – Movement in Creativity

The second chakra, Svadhisthana, is located between the pubis and the belly button.  Also known as the Sacral Chakra, the sanskrit name can be translated as “one’s own abode.”  This chakra governs sexuality, creativity and our relationship with others.  The second chakra is associated with the color naranja, or orange.

Image from
Image from

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Muladhara Chakra

As I prepare for my  Chakra Healing and Reiki Training Workshop, I’ve found myself thinking even more of the energies contained within our chakras.  The chakras are such an elegant way to think about the energy that is constantly in motion in our bodies.

The center line of energy in the human bodies is referred to as the Shushumna.  This strong concentration of prana runs through the mid-line of the body.  Centered on the shushmna line of energy are spinning vortexes known as the chakras.  Each chakra contains different properties associated with our health, thoughts, emotions, stages of life, and different parts of our bodies.

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Vishuddhi – the Chakra of Communication

fifth chakra

I am constantly pulled back to work with the chakras in my asana and meditation practice.  I find that chakra work often comes off the mat, coloring food choices, what colors I incorporate into my outfits, and  which essential oils I wear.  Further, if I’m working with a particular chakra, I’ll keep work in the front of my conciousness as I’m having interactions with people throughout my day.  I’ll notice if a person may trigger some of the lessons I need to practice to balance a particular chakra, or perhaps I’ll notice that the somebody has a complementary chakra issue – where mine is depleted, perhaps their is showing in excess.

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