Splish Splash

What a whirlwind weekend!

Saturday afternoon, my sister and I set off for la pescina.  A day at the pool seemed like a grand idea, as it was hot and humid and not even noon yet.  In order to get to the pool, it’s necessary to walk down La Calzada.  La Calzada is the main street where people congregate.  It’s lined with bars, restaurants, tour groups, and shops.  All of the restaurants have a smattering of tables in the streets in order to both take advantage of the cool breeze and promote their tasty food.  This outdoor seating makes for a social atmosphere, as tourists, locals, and street kids all congregate together.  This also means that a walk down La Calzada can take anwhere from 15-30 minutes, as you run into person after familiar person.

Por ejamplo, on Friday night, my sister and I left the house to grab a couple of ice cream cones and a liter of Tona when my sister heard some voices calling my name.  Continue reading “Splish Splash”