
Hello, blog world.

I’ve been quiet of late.  Partly this is because I’ve been up on a mountain without a strong or reliable internet connection.  This time was nice.  It consisted of reconnecting with old friends and making new friends — many of whom felt as though they were old friends I’d only forgotten.  It also consisted of cold nights and bright moons, too many dog fights, and some amazing food made in outdoor kitchens.  I was enjoying the time so much that I called my little brother in Connecticut to see if he’d be able to come out and join me.  Not this year, but for sure next year — that was the plan.

Then, I came out of the forest and a girlfriend said she had a note on her facebook from one of my aunts that my family was trying to contact me.  Worry swelled — I wasn’t sure which family.  (I’m blessed to have many.)  On reconnecting online I learned the devastating news that my little brother had died.

The first day I met my little brother.  He was 6 and I was 18.
The first day I met my little brother. He was 6 & I was 18.

I was blessed to know my brother for 16 years. Continue reading “Appreciation”