On Detachment and Conflict

It’s easy to maintain a sense of detachment when you’re only passing through.  It’s also simple to have perspective and true vision when looking at the trifles that capture people’s egos and lead to conflict

When you don’t call a place home or interact with people every day, it’s simple to see the overarching harmony that we all share and are capable of.  When I first arrived to California, I was able to observe moments of tension for what they are — a distraction from our shared One Human Spirit and an opportunity for each of us to learn.  That is the gift of being a traveller.  As a gypsy, I hadn’t alighted down.  The perspective provided from that height allowed me to see how small these stumbling blocks truly are and how easy to overcome.


But oh, how that perspective changes when you land.   Continue reading “On Detachment and Conflict”