5 Reasons a Beginner’s Series is Preferable to a Public Class

You’ve probably seen your local studio advertising a Beginner’s Series.  They’re a popular way to for people to learn about a new practice, but you might be wondering what is so different between a Beginner Series and a public class?

1.  Cumulative Classes

We’ll zero in on a small piece of the larger yoga puzzle, and each class will progressively build on previous classes, which leaves you with a strong foundation to walk into any yoga class you want.

2.  Space for questions

Unlike a public class where everyone is silently moving from posture to posture following the teacher’s cues, inquisitive minds are encouraged to explore in this small-class format.  Your wrists always hurt when you’re in Downward Facing Dog?  Chances are, you’re not the only one, so we can pause as a class together to explore options that might benefit you and several other people in the room. Continue reading “5 Reasons a Beginner’s Series is Preferable to a Public Class”